The SDDS MIDI Keyboard adaptor board from Zuma Group, Inc. makes it easy to add MIDI keyboard output to multi-computer MOS 2 series Allen Organs. The adaptor encodes up to three manuals plus pedal into four MIDI out channels. MIDI output tracks organ transposer settings +5/-6 semitones and channels can be switched on and off using an unused stop tab or a simple switch. Easy to install, the adaptor requires only ten connections between it and the organ. All connections are made with push-on connectors to an existing connector in the organ so no soldering, wire-wrapping or alteration to the organ circuit boards themselves are necessary. Installation cable and step-by-step installation instructions are included.

Note: The SDDS MIDI adaptor supports only multi-computer Allen MOS 2 organs including the following models 505, 665, 705, 805, 965, 1105, 1405

Price $239.00